Aquaponics Training for School Teachers & Students by Andrew S. de Dezsery M.Sc.Aq. Assisted learning advocate, experience aquaponics in action. Experienced, reliable education with hands-on, practical demonstrations. Aquaponics is the future of farming – so let’s work together.
How do aquaponic systems work? Which species of fish and plants are suitable for use in aquaponic systems? How to do water quality testing. How do we handle fish correctly? What is required for system maintenance? Learn the answers to these questions and much more.
Click Here to Call for more information or book a visit today – your school or other sites by arrangement. 08 72286888
We have developed a comprehensive aquaponics training course that covers everything you need to know about aquaponics including running your own system and perhaps branching out to a commercial sized operation. Partner the aquaponics 101 with the advanced aquaponics course 102 and you have a powerful package that will guide you through every aspect of aquaponics.